Imagine a customer is looking to book your service online.

They see the service price as $50, but when they go to pay, the price jumps to $60 because the tax wasn’t included in the initial display. 

This might be frustrating for some of your customers.

By displaying tax-inclusive prices, your customers see the full cost upfront. For example, instead of showing $50 and adding tax later, you can display $60 right from the start, which includes the tax.

Note: This feature is available only with LatePoint’s Pro Features addon. Ensure that this addon is installed and activated before moving forward.

How Does The Tax-Inclusive Prices Work In LatePoint

You can display the tax-inclusive prices, even though LatePoint only allows fixed price tax and percentage tax.

We’ll understand this with an example.

Let’s say your service is priced at $50. If your tax is 20%, the tax amount would be $10. This makes the total cost of the service $60. 

To display this tax-inclusive price in LatePoint:

  • Go to Settings > Tax and click on the “Add Tax” button.
  • Provide a tax name, select the tax type (percentage or a fixed amount), and enter the tax rate here. In our case, we’ll name the tax “VAT” and set the tax rate to 20%, so LatePoint knows to add $10.
  • Click on the “Save Tax” button when you’re done.
  • Now, go to “Services” and select your preferred service.
  • Scroll down to the “Display Price” and set the amount you want to display to your customers. This is the total amount your customer will see when selecting the service. We’ll set this display price to $60.
  • In the “Service Duration and Price” just above, set the original base price of your service before adding tax. We’ll set this to $50.

How Pricing Appears to Customers

Now, when a customer selects your service during the booking process, they will see the $60 price upfront.

After they choose the service, LatePoint will break down the cost, showing them that the $60 includes a $50 base price plus $10 in tax. 

That’s it! You can easily follow this process for your own services and adjust the prices to fit your specific needs.

If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our support team is always here to help!