In cases where your event or service starts somewhen in the future, you might want to show the calendar started on that date instead of making your customers to scroll all the way to your available period. You can simply add calendar_start_date attribute to your booking form or button shortcode and it will open the calendar on the month where that date is. To set a specific date – use format YYYY-MM-DD, so for September 21, 2019 you will have to enter calendar_start_date=”2019/09/21″.

You can also use dynamic values like “tomorrow“, “+1 week“, “+2 months” etc… and it will automatically show calendar 2 months or 1 week in the future, depending on what day is today, use it like this: calendar_start_date=”+2 months”. Here is a full example on booking button shortcode:

[latepoint_book_button calendar_start_date="2019-04-25"]