Custom CSS for changing colors

February 17, 2019

While we are working on a super powerful appearance editor for LatePoint, you still can change colors to match your site using this css, just replace the colors with the values you want:

Set custom start date for the calendar on your booking form

February 17, 2019

In cases where your event or service starts somewhen in the future, you might want to show the calendar started on that date instead of making your customers to scroll all the way to your available period. You can simply add calendar_start_date attribute to your booking form or button shortcode and it will open the […]

Where should I store translated language .po and .mo files

February 16, 2019

If you are using LocoTranslate Plugin, make sure you use “system” for the location of your translations: You need to store language files in this folder: /wp-content/languages/plugins/ and name them like this: so it does not get overwritten with plugin updates, replace es_ES with the string for your language. Here is a list of all language codes:

Prevent Agents being redirected to WooCommerce “My Account” Page when trying to login to LatePoint Agent Account

February 8, 2019

If you have WooCommerce installed – it automatically sends any WP user to the WooCommerce page. You can prevent that for LatePoint agent users by adding this code to your theme’s functions.php file:

How to setup SMS notifications using Twilio and LatePoint

February 5, 2019

You need to set a Twilio account ( and then enter Twilio account API credentials inside the latepoint settings for sms notifications, and it will be working right away. You can find your Account SID and Auth Token on your Twilio project settings page: Phone Number or your Company Name for a “from” field Twilio […]