Booking Form

Adds a booking form directly onto the page.


Example usage with attributes

You can find a full list of available attributes by clicking this link.

[latepoint_book_form selected_agent="1" hide_side_panel="yes"]

Booking Button

Adds a booking button on the page. Clicking this button will open a booking modal.


Example usage with attributes

You can find a full list of available attributes by clicking this link.

[latepoint_book_button selected_agent="1" css="margin-top: 10px" border="1px solid #111" calendar_start_date="2021-01-24"]

Customer Dashboard

Shows customer dashboard, if customer is logged in, if not – it will show a login form.


List of Services/Agents/Locations

Outputs a list of bookable resources, it could be agents, services or locations

[latepoint_resources items="agents" columns="4"]
[latepoint_resources items="services" columns="4"]
[latepoint_resources items="locations" columns="3"]

Show specific items or groups

You can specify list of IDs of resources you want to show using item_ids attribute or group_ids if you are generating services or locations resources which have groups.

[latepoint_resources items="locations" item_ids="3,5"]
[latepoint_resources items="services" group_ids="2,4,6"]

Edit button caption text

[latepoint_resources items="locations" button_caption="Make an Appointment"]

Edit styling of the button

[latepoint_resources items="locations" button_bg_color="#111" button_text_color="#fff" button_font_size="18px" button_border_radius="10px"]

Set limit on how many items are displayed

[latepoint_resources items="locations" limit="4"]

Calendar of Services

This shortcode will output a monthly or weekly calendar of your services:

[latepoint_calendar view="week"]

Show specific services

You can specify list of IDs of services you want to show using show_services attribute.

[latepoint_calendar show_services="1,2"]

Start on a specific date

You can set a specific date that calendar should start on. You can specify a date in YYYY-MM-DD format or enter phrases like +1 month, +1 week etc.

[latepoint_calendar date="+1 month"]