This document provides a guide on how to use the new bundled services feature in LatePoint version 5. It covers creating, managing bundles.

How Bundled Services Work?

Bundled services allow you to offer packages of your services together at a special price or with added benefits. This can help increase sales and customer satisfaction.

How Do I Create a Bundle?

To create a new bundle, you can follow the below mentioned steps.

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard, then navigate to LatePoint > Services > Bundles.
  2. Click the “Create Bundle” button.
  3. Give your bundle a clear and descriptive name.
  4. Write a brief description of the bundle and its benefits.
  5. Decide who can see the bundle (everyone, specific customers, etc.).
  6. You can set the total price for the bundle.
  7. In addition, you can determine if a deposit is required.
  8. You can add the individual services that will be included in the bundle.
  9. Finally, click “Save Bundle” to finalize the creation.

How Do I Manage My Bundles?

Once you’ve created bundles, you can manage them from the same “Bundles” section:

  • Edit existing bundles to make changes.
  • Delete bundles that are no longer needed.
  • View performance metrics for each bundle (number of purchases, revenue generated).

How can Customers Purchase Bundles?

Customers can purchase bundles directly from the booking form on your website. The bundles will be displayed as options alongside your individual services.

If you have any questions or encounter issues, please reach out to our support team for assistance.

We hope this document has been helpful. Please let us know if you have any feedback or require further information.